Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Twitter War (Chapter 1): Lil Kim vs. Nicki Minaj

Unless you've been living under a rock, or perhaps under the bedrock, you know things between Lil Kim and Nicki Minaj have gotten a bit sour. Add a little twitter and a mixtape to the mix, and you get yourself a 21st century Twitter war.

It's actually quite interesting to see, considering the last major beefs in hip-hop were before the advent of most modern-day social networks. During the days of Pac and Biggie, it was mostly exchanges over radio, through songs, and at award shows, several of which required some time before the other could return the damage with an equally or more dangerous rebuttal. Not today, as a twitter post can be almost instantly followed with the antagonist's response, an instantaneity that can let the emotion get the best of one another.

Now for the twitter war details. Lil Kim has been keeping the less-than-subtle jabs towards Nicki Minaj coming ever since Pink Friday's release. Her most recent scathing attack came with a remix of Minaj's "Did It On 'Em," titled "Pissin On 'Em." Now Kim's Black Friday Mixtape has been released, and the album artwork alone has caught attention. Dressed in a bustier with a samurai sword, a decapitated Minaj is seen in the background, with her pink-wigged head laying in a pool of blood. But according to Kim, the mixtape, which was available for $10 on PayPal, has sold a record 113,000 copies of the mixtape.

"Thanks to you guys!! #lilkimblackfridaymixtape sold 113,000 copies in 28 hours which made me the #1 seller on paypal ever =) THANK U!," tweeted Kim about the occasion. Characteristically of this femcee beef, Nicki took little time to respond.

"Bwaahhhhahhahahahahahahhahahhhaaahhhhhaaahahahahhhaha!!!!!!!! *lifeless* *leaves on stretcher* *cant go on*," Minaj responded. She goes on to tweet, "The devil is a liar."

Of course, with Nicki taking the first jab, the twitter war goes into overdrive as Kim responded, "#twitterbeef This is not beef. Real beef is when some gets shot 5 minutes later. CHILD PLEASE!!! #toomanytwittergangstas #teamlil kim LEGO," she writes.

The war has only begun, but let's just hope they're reasonable enough about just keeping this a twitter/lyrical war.

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