Monday, July 4, 2011

Beyonce Storms UK Charts With Album + Single

Although early rumors suggested Beyonce's album would underperform its first week, a recent promotional blitz and growing buzz surrounding the album has derailed those claims as 4 becomes the first album of Beyonce's since 2003 to debut at number one in the UK. This comes after headlining Glastonbury and performing a series of promo concerts in the British Isles. In addition to its success in the UK, the album also debuts atop the Irish and Scottish charts while the album's number two debut in Australia matches the best charting album of her career there with Dangerously in Love.

This from an album whose lead singles became the least successful singles as of late. However, the exception is the UK, where the second single "Best I Never Had" exceeded the midweek prediction of a number six debut to arrive at number three. A congrats is in order.