Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gwenyth & Jay? Quite The Possibility!

Some people called me crazy when I decided to post about Gwyneth Paltrow's musical endeavors. I will not begin to post the criticisms, but in a nutshell, most people thought a singer like Paltrow was "too old" and not seasoned enough to attempt a career in pop music. I, on the other hand, proceeded in posting about her musical journey, finding something particularly titillating in what she has to offer. Now the Oscar-winning actress has revealed exactly who she would love to collaborate with one a song. Why is this blogworthy? This collaboration could be monumental and could be very possible.

Rihanna & Ciara Twitter Beef? Real or Just A Gimmick...

As you probably know already, Rihanna and Ciara have engaged in quite the twitter beef. Of course it's nowhere near the caliber of Minaj and Kim's twitter/lyrical beef, but it has become quite the popular topic on twitter. Now that it has passed, the question remains, was it real or merely a fabrication intended to attract attention?

REVIEW: "21" by Adele

When Adele's debut single hit the airwaves, it propagated ripples of excitement throughout the industry. Adele was that unique blend of blue-eyed soul with a pinch of pop and a dash of blues. Her voice possessed this power, a resoundingly fruitful sound that could own an acoustic performance by her vocal acrobatics alone, yet reserved enough to know what instrumental would appropriately accent her abilities. While her debut album 19 had its faults, it functioned as a springboard from which she could ascend into a musical euphoria for her sophomore effort. But is 21 the musical euphoria it could possibly be?